We really love dogs and the whole purpose of I Woof U is to give dogs and dog owners an easier and better life in everyday life. The idea for this project was born in the fall of 2020 and we have since then worked hard to get where we are today. This is still just the beginning, we have so many fun ideas on how to make this even better.
Eleonor Magnusson is the founder and CEO of Luna Design AB which has developed I Woof U. She is the visionary behind the project and is responsible for the creative work. Eleonor has previously worked in the manufacturing industry but has always had a dream of starting her own company.
David Magnusson is co-founder of Luna Design and has many years of experience in business and organizational development in large companies.
Download the app from the App Store or Google play.
Open the app and create an account by following the steps. Choose whether you are a dog owner or a dog walker.
In Explore, you can search for recommended dog sitters or active requests.
Available on iOS and Android
2023 I Woof U - Thure Bruces väg 2, 560 13 Hok, Sweden - Orgnr 559295-7780 -. Made with by Digitalcap
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