Welcome to I woof U. We have built I woof U to give dogs and dog owners a better life. Here you can socialize with other dog owners and also buy and sell services such as dog sitting.
I woof U is a digital marketplace for brokering and providing dog sitting and dog walking services (the "Service"). The Service is offered via a smartphone application (the "App") and via a website (the "Website"). The App and the Website are jointly referred to as the "Platform". The Service and the Platform are provided by Luna Design AB, organization number 555295-7780, with headquarters located at Thure Bruces väg 2 in Hok ("Luna Design AB").
These Terms of Use, as updated from time to time, (the "Terms") apply to anyone who registers with the Platform and creates an account ("User"). Registration through the Platform is a prerequisite for accessing the Service. By using the Service, you accept these Terms and undertake to comply with them. Users who post or intend to post assignment advertisements, i.e. requests for the execution of Assignments, for execution and/or receive Assignments executed through the Service are referred to in these Terms as "Clients".
Users who apply to perform Assignments under the Assignment Ads and/or perform work within the Service are referred to as "Contractors". The assignments and services that Contractors perform through the Service in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Service (including these Terms) are referred to as "Assignments". Assignment advertisements posted in the Service by Clients for the purpose of becoming Assignments and which the Contractor can apply to perform are referred to as "Advertisements".
I woof U may from time to time update these Terms and Conditions as well as other terms and conditions for the Service. Users will be notified of such changes by email and/or when logging in to the Platform. The User is responsible for ensuring that the email address provided by him or her is correct. However, it is the responsibility of each User to keep themselves informed of the terms and conditions (both these Terms and Conditions and other applicable terms and conditions) that apply at any given time.
2.1 General information of the Service.
The Service is a marketplace where Users can come into contact with each other to order and perform Assignments, which are provided through I woof U. Clients can either contact Contractors directly or create an Advertisement on which Contractors then express interest. The Client can then choose, via the Service, to enter into an agreement with the Contractor through I woof U for the performance of Assignments.
The service itself is free to use (create account, contact and discuss missions) as long as the missions are paid via I woof U. Upon payment, I woof U charges a platform fee.
It is not allowed to contact people via I woof U with the aim of recruiting them for assignments that are then paid outside I woof U.
2.2 Mission
Agreements on the performance of individual Assignments are concluded between the Customer and I woof U and between I woof U and the Contractor by placing an order in the Service. The starting point is that the Ordering Party and the Contractor agree on the terms and conditions for the individual Assignment on the Platform and within the framework of the Service (a "Booking"). An agreement on an Assignment is entered into when the Booking for the Assignment agreed between the Ordering Party and the Contractor has been approved by I woof U, see more about this under section 2.3 below. I woof U reserves the right to unilaterally refuse to enter into agreements for individual Assignments. I woof U also reserves the right to withdraw its approval of an Assignment before the Assignment has begun, regardless of the reason. If I woof U fails to approve the Assignment or withdraws its approval before the Assignment has begun, the parties' agreement on Assignments ceases to apply in its entirety and no party (i.e. neither I woof U nor the Users concerned) has any claim of any kind whatsoever (e.g. performance or financial claims) in connection with the Assignment in question.
I woof U obtains full ownership and disposal rights as well as copyright and other intellectual property rights to all work and material created and produced in connection with the performance of the Assignment, while the Client has a non-exclusive right to use, assign and further transfer such results, unlimited in time.
The additional conditions for this are contained in the individual agreements concluded upon completion of the Booking.
2.3 Status of the contractor
Contractors are not employed by I woof. Apart from performing the Assignment, the Contractor is not entitled to represent I woof U in relation to the Client or third parties.
2.4 The service
The Service consists of a marketplace for the mediation and provision of dog sitting or dog walking services. When carrying out Assignments, the additional terms and conditions, in addition to these Terms and Conditions, set out in I woof U's agreement for clients apply.
2.6 Conditions for the use of the Service
In order to use the Service as a Contractor, you must provide your name, social security number, e-mail address and possibly a telephone number in the Service in order to be able to perform Assignments. Additional information that may be required to be able to use the Service in full is a profile picture and e-mail address. In order to be able to perform an Assignment, you must also create a profile, the "I woof U Profile".
Furthermore, the Contractor may need to agree to the terms and conditions of I woof U's payment provider and provide bank account details in order to receive payments made by payment card for Assignments performed. The Contractor also authorizes I woof U to share this information with the payment provider so that I woof U can make payments to the Contractor's bank account for Assignments performed.
To use the Service as a customer, you must always be at least 18 years old and provide information about your name, social security number, e-mail address and telephone number in the Service.
Furthermore, I woof U offers both Clients and Contractors the possibility to identify themselves using a mobile Bank ID. In this way, we can ensure the identity and civil registration address of each User.
I woof U may, without prior notice to the User, restrict, close or terminate a user account belonging to a User who does not comply with these Terms and Conditions, e.g. the conditions in sections 2.7-2.8 below, agreed terms and conditions for Assignments or who otherwise misuses or mismanages the Service or where I woof U otherwise considers that the User causes problems or risks of damage to I woof U or any User of the Service.
2.7 Which Assignments may be carried out within the Service
The Client is responsible for ensuring that the Assignments created and/or carried out are permitted under the laws and regulations in force at any given time, and are also otherwise suitable for the individual Contractor. This means, among other things, but not limited to, that the Client may not agree on and/or carry out Assignments that involve dangerous elements.
I woof U has the right to unilaterally and immediately modify, limit or terminate Assignments upon I woof U's knowledge or suspicion that unauthorized tasks have been agreed, are being performed or are intended to be performed.
2.8 What information may be transmitted within the Service
Users are responsible for ensuring that information posted by the User within the Service is correct and that it does not violate applicable laws and regulations. In the event that I woof U finds that something posted by the User is illegal or otherwise inappropriate, I woof U reserves the right to delete it and/or suspend the User's account.
The User warrants that he/she holds the necessary rights to the User-Generated Content, either because the User has created it himself/herself (whether it is, for example, an image, an advertising text), or because all contributors have given the User permission to use the User-Generated Content on the Website in accordance with these Terms.
User-generated content means all content that Users create and/or post within the Service, such as the content of Advertisements and I woof U Profiles, including but not limited to text and images.
This means that the User guarantees that the User-generated content does not contain intellectual property protected material, such as music, film, image, logo or other material that the User is not authorized to use.
The User guarantees that the User has ensured that the persons who can be identified in the User-generated content (e.g. in an image) are aware of how the material will be used and that they have agreed to participate in the User-generated content and that I woof U may also use the User-generated content for marketing purposes, but always in accordance with our Personal Data Policy. In brief, this means the following. By posting User-Generated Content on the Website, for example by placing an advertisement, you give I woof U the right to freely dispose of the User-Generated Content, for example by processing, formatting, storing or copying it and making it available to the public regardless of the media channel. I woof U's rights remain even after the User-Generated Content has been deleted from the Platform.
You hereby waive all claims for compensation from I woof U for I woof U's use of the User Generated Content.
I woof U is not responsible for the information that Users post on the Service.
I woof U reserves the right to filter, remove or stop Ads or other User-generated content with offensive or unauthorized content or otherwise in violation of these Terms, that we have reason to believe violates applicable laws and regulations or that we otherwise deem inappropriate.
Each User may only register one user account with I woof U. A User's account may only be used by the User to whom the registration details relate. The use of another User's account is prohibited.
Users of the Service are able to rate other Users after completing an Assignment.
I woof U reserves the right to close accounts that have not been used for 12 months.
2.9 User's termination of use of the Service
Users have the right to stop using the Service at any time.
The App and Website are accessible via the internet every day. However, I woof U reserves the right to shut down the App and Website in the event of, for example, updates or maintenance. Furthermore, Users are advised that service interruptions, etc. may occur that affect the availability of the Service. However, I woof U does not guarantee the availability of the App or Website and cannot be held liable for any damage caused directly or indirectly by their unavailability, regardless of the reason.
The speed of communication between the User's and I woof U's server depends partly on the User's choice of data transfer system and partly on the volume of traffic. I woof U is not responsible for any disruptions affecting the availability of the App, the Website or the Service that may occur due to internet connection, disruptions at the web host, during maintenance of the Service or otherwise.
I woof U aims to be the safest marketplace for services in the world. This includes protecting our Users' integrity and thus also a high level of data protection. By starting to use the Service, you also accept I woof U's Personal Data Policy. Users are encouraged to read more about exactly what personal data I woof U collects, how the personal data is processed, which I woof U may share with others and why in I woof U's Privacy Policy here.
A cookie is a text file stored on your computer, smartphone, tablet or other device. This text file contains information that is used to provide the User with the best possible experience when using the Service. You can manage cookies in your browser settings.
I woof U uses cookies only to identify each User as unique but anonymous. Since a cookie is only a small text file that cannot contain viruses, it cannot harm your computer in any way. It is also so small that you will not notice that it is on your computer or smartphone.
Although I woof U does not have any advertising from third party companies, third party companies are used to better understand our Users. No private information that could identify the person is shared (such as name, social security number, address, email address or phone number) with third parties. This works by storing a cookie during a visit that allows I woof U to identify what type of User is doing what.
It is possible to configure your browser or smartphone to automatically refuse cookies or to be informed that a website contains cookies. Through the browser, previously stored cookies can also be deleted. See the browser's help pages for more information. The cookies used by I woof U.se only apply to the browser you used when searching the Service.
6.1 General on payments
As Client, it is your responsibility to pay for the Assignment performed through the payment solution provided in the Service. Payment is made by the Contractor reporting time worked within the App and the agreed cost is then charged to the Client's saved payment card. If the Client believes that the hourly report is incorrect, the Client has the right to object to this within 24 hours. The Customer is not entitled to withhold its payment for the Service or Assignment, or offset payment against any other counterclaim against I woof U or the Contractor, regardless of whether the Customer asserts fault liability, liability for damages or makes any other claim against I woof U or the Contractor.
6.2 Payments for Assignments within the Service
As a Client, when using the Service, you can only pay for completed Assignments with a payment card. Payment is made via I woof Us' payment provider. The Contractor typically receives the money within 5 working days after payment from the Client of the Assignment has been received. When paying by card, the Client also accepts the payment provider's terms and conditions.
When the payment is made, the Client receives a receipt via the Service containing information about the Assignment and the amount of the Contractor's fee.
The purchase and provision of Assignments in the Service may give rise to various tax obligations. Each User undertakes to ensure that their tax obligations are fulfilled in a correct and legal manner.
I woof U does not provide any information or data that should be construed as advice regarding Users' obligations under tax law or regulations, even if I woof U is helpful in providing the information that is necessary to be obtained from I woof U in order for a User to fulfill its tax obligations in Sweden. Nor does I woof U undertake any obligation to notify Users of any changes in law, regulations or practice. It is each User's own responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable rules when using the Service.
I woof U is responsible for the correctness of the data in the control data for which I woof U is responsible, but is under no circumstances responsible for the correctness of the data provided to I woof U by the User or others.
The Service is essentially a digital marketplace whereby Assignments can be carried out. I woof U has limited control over the Assignments carried out. Users should not assume that an offer, Assignment or the content of an Advertisement is legal or permitted simply because it appears on the Platform. I woof U accepts no liability for any damage incurred by the Client during the performance of the Assignment, with the exception of damage incurred as a direct result of intent or gross negligence on the part of I woof U. I woof U's liability in the event of intent or gross negligence in the provision of the Service is in any case limited to direct damage (I woof U is thus not liable in any case for indirect damage such as loss of profit, loss of data, costs that have become useless or other consequential damage).
I woof U is not liable for damage caused by delays in the Service or by incorrect information in the advertisement text.
In the event of errors or deficiencies in the Assignment, the Client shall in the first instance contact the Contractor who undertook the Assignment directly. In this context, the Client is aware that the Contractors are inexperienced and the Client's expectations of the result of the Assignment cannot therefore be set as high as if an experienced or professional actor had performed the same work.
As a User, you agree to indemnify I woof U in the event that any third party makes a claim for compensation due to User-generated content or because you have otherwise acted in breach of these Terms and Conditions or in breach of applicable law or third party rights.
I woof U does not undertake to resolve any disputes arising directly between the Users. Any disputes must be resolved directly between the Users.
10.1 General
The content of the Platform and the underlying software and code are protected by copyright law. The copyright and all other intellectual property rights associated with the Service and the Platform belong to I woof U. The information has, among other things, copyright protection as a database under the same law. None of I woof U's rights are transferred to the User or others. It is prohibited to use such material without I woof U's consent other than within the framework of normal use of the Platform. It is therefore prohibited to make copies - regardless of the technology used - of all or part of the content of the Platform. Without such consent, it is also prohibited to make all or part of the content of the Platform available to the public through the use of the Internet or by any other means.
The use of automated services, such as robots, spiders, indexing and the like, and other methods of systematically using the content of the Platform is not permitted without I woof U's prior written consent.
10.2 Linking
When linking to the Platform, the Platform shall always open in a new window. The content may never be presented within the framework of another website without the prior consent of I woof Us. It is not permitted to link in such a way that the content of the Platform risks being distorted or misunderstood.
Where you may need to use the map image and satellite photo service conventionally known as "Google Maps", a service provided by Google, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.
When a User activates the "Locate me" feature in I woof U, Google may collect and process information about the User's current geographic location. In addition, depending on the user's hardware capabilities, Google may collect information about nearby Wi-Fi routers, cell identities of the cell tower closest to the user, and the strength of Wi-Fi or cellular signals. Google uses this information to return an estimated location to the user's mobile browser, and the browser will then communicate the estimated location to I woof U. For each individual request sent to the Google Location Service, Google may also collect information such as the user's IP address, the user's agent and the user's unique customer identifier. According to Google, this information is used to distinguish requests from each other, not to identify users personally.
More information on the Google Location Service and its privacy policy can be found here.
It is possible to register as a User via Facebook. In woof U will not, without the User's permission, post anything on the User's Facebook.
Luna Design is an early stage company and therefore seeks ongoing contact with its Users. Comments and/or complaints are gratefully received via email info@iwoofu.se. Users are also requested to immediately notify I woof U of errors or deficiencies in the Platform that affect Users. Complaints should be submitted as soon as the User discovers the error or deficiency. Complaints are made to info@iwoofu.se
Swedish substantive law shall apply to the Service and these Terms of Use.
If you are a Corporate Customer, disputes arising from the application or interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Arbitration of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The seat of the arbitration shall be Stockholm. The language of the proceedings shall be Swedish. Swedish law shall apply to the dispute.
If you are the customer, disputes arising from the application or interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be finally settled by a court of law. You can also turn to the General Complaints Board (ARN) to have the dispute examined free of charge, read more at www.arn.se.
2023 I Woof U - Thure Bruces väg 2, 560 13 Hok, Sweden - Orgnr 559295-7780 -. Made with by Digitalcap
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